Fact Sheet: How To Become a Verified Aged Care Provider for Care Leavers
This Fact Sheet outlines the steps and criteria required from the Department of Health and Aged Care for aged and community care providers to become verified service providers for Care Leavers and Forgotten Australians. This fact sheet details key information on critieria, fee waivering and application forms.
Fact Sheet: Premature Ageing
This Fact Sheet provides information on the current evidence proving that premature ageing is a major issue for Care Leavers/Forgotten Australians and other vulnerable populations.
Poster: Care Finders Navigating to Nowhere
This poster outlines the key issues Care Finders are facing due to the lack of services tailored to Care Leaver's and Forgotten Australian's needs.
Poster: Opportunities for Better Care
This poster describes the steps that can be taken to acheived better aged and community care for Forgotten Australians and Care Leavers.