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Specialist Services

Support Services

A support and advocacy service for Forgotten Australians and their family, providing support to improve health and wellbeing. Their services include counselling, social support groups, coordinated support, national redress, community education and records, and find & connect.

Wattle Place Logo

Wattle Place (NSW)

Open Place (VIC)

Open Place Logo

A support and advocacy service for Forgotten Australians and their family, providing support to improve health and wellbeing. Their services include counselling, social support groups, coordinated support, national redress, community education and records, and find & connect.

Elm Place (SA)

Elm Place Logo

A dedicated support network for people whose lives have been affected by institutional and out-of-home 'care' including Forgotten Australians and others placed in out-of-home 'care'. They offer support, workshops, counselling, and other services.

Dedicated support services and resource centre for Forgotten Australians. They offer a safe space, connections to other Forgotten Australians and a gateway to other services.

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Tuart Place (WA)

Tuart Place Logo

A specialist support service for Forgotten Australians, and others who were in out-of-home 'care'. Offering trauma-informed counselling; therapeutic support groups; advocacy; family tracing; supported access to records; IT, computer, and life skills development; support with historical abuse complaints and Redress; newsletters; social activities, events, and reunions.

Helping Hand (SA)

Helping Hand Logo

Helping Hand is an organisation that is committed to offering care with the understanding that  many Forgotten Australians have other wants and needs when it comes to feeling heard, safe, and cared for. Helping Hand endeavours to offer care based on choice, transparency and understanding.

Lotus Place (QLD)

Micah Projects Logo

Micah Projects are a not-for-profit organisation that provides a range of support and advocacy services to individuals and families. By working towards breaking down barriers, Micah Projects aims to respond to injustice and provide services and opportunities in the community.

Relationship Australia (TAS)

Relationships Australia Tasmania are a community-based, not-for-profit organisation that provides a range of support services.

Relationship Australia (NT)


Relationships Australia Northern Territory are a community-based, not-for-profit, non-government organisation that is dedicated to helping all members of our community build stronger, healthier relationships. They help and support Forgotten Australians and Former Child Migrants.

Micah Projects (QLD)

Find & Connect

Find & Connect Logo

A collection of resources and documents relating to institutional 'care'. While the site does not publish private or personal documents, Find & Connect can help you locate and get access to your records which may be kept by government departments or past providers of ‘care.’

Child Migrant Trust

Child Migrant Trust Image

Founded in 1987, the Child Migrant Trust was established to address the British Migrant Scheme. It was established to help support and provide services to former Child Migrants including knowledge about their family background, birth certificate, clarity about citizenship status and the opportunity to reunite with their families.



Knowmore was established in 2013 supporting people to provide information to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. Knowmore provides free and independent legal advice for all survivors of child sexual abuse.


National Redress

National Redress Logo

A response to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, the scheme provides support to survivors through counselling and a Redress payment.

British Child
Migrant Trust

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An independent charitable trust that aims to improve the quality of life for those who were institutional or out of home care in Queensland institutions through the provision of various grants.

Forde Foundation

The Child Migrants Trust was founded in 1987 by its Director, Margaret Humphreys CBE, AO, to address the devastating impact of British child migration schemes.



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The Alliance for Forgotten Australians (AFA) advocates for national policies and high-quality services that are specifically targeted to address the needs and wellbeing of Forgotten Australians. AFA supports the involvement of Forgotten Australians in discussions to ensure that the provided services are accessible, useable, and relevant.


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CLAN (Care Leavers Australasia Network) offers support to people who have grown up in Orphanages, Children’s Homes, Missions, Foster Care and other Child Welfare institutions in Australia and New Zealand. We also support close family members of Care Leavers.

National Centre for Action on Child Sexual Abuse

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Founded in late 2021, the National Centre is a partnership between three respected organisations with strong histories of leadership in responding to the child sexual abuse – the Australian Childhood Foundation, Blue Knot Foundation and the Healing Foundation

COTA promotes the rights, interests, and well-being of Australians as they age, while respecting the lived experiences of individuals. Cota works with their members, partners, and older individuals to create and send submissions to Government and Parliamentary Inquiries that speak out against the issues of systemic inequalities, disadvantages, and discrimination against aging Australians.

The Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN) is a national free service that offers support and education for issues relating to Commonwealth-funded aged care services.


© 2023 The National Aged and Community Care Roundtable for Forgotten Australians.

All rights reserved. Forgotten Australians were extensively consulted in the creation of this website.

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