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Reports & Research

The Case For Trauma-Informed Aged Care

This paper outlines how the history of abuse suffered by children in institutionalised care has resulted in long-term trauma that persists into old age. The authors make a compelling case for why all aged care institutions should implement policies and training that consider this trauma11.

Commission of Inquiry into Abuse of Children in QLD Institutions 

In this inquiry various forms of out-of-home 'care' throughout Queensland were widely investigated, leading to forty-two recommendations to be made. These recommendations included public apologies to those impacted by this abuse and the creation of memorials that will become places of support and reflection for survivors, both of which are currently being implemented, as well as the establishment of the Forde Foundation Trust Fund12.

The Forde Enquiry

A report of the Commission of Inquiry into Abuse of Children in Queensland Institutions was tabled in the Queensland Parliament12.

Real Care the Second Time Around

The Real Care the Second Time Around Forgotten Australians Project run by Helping Hand  is funded by the Commonwealth Government and was commenced in 2019. The project aims to work towards improving the access to quality aged and community care services for Forgotten Australians and other Care Leavers by co-designing and developing a publication to assist aged care providers with supporting their clients.

No Child Should Grow Up Like This: Identifying long term outcomes of Forgotten Australians

This study, conducted primarily by Professor Elizabeth Fernandez OAM is the first national research project in Australia, contributing majorly to the understanding of the experiences of Forgotten Australians, Child Migrants and Stolen Generation. The research explores life experiences of Care Leavers who have lived in institutions or in other forms of out-of-home ‘care’ as children.

The Perceived Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Mental Health and Well-being of Care-Experienced People

Care-experienced adults from across the UK were invited to complete a survey and submit a diary during the first lockdown. This article showcases the resilience of many care-experienced people, including some who made explicit reference to the benefits of coping strategies developed while in care. The findings of this study reveal that when provided with the right support, the care system can assist people to develop important life skills.

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