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Truth, Healing and Reconciliation Taskforce Funding

Updated: Nov 22, 2023

The National Aged and Community Care Roundtable for Forgotten Australians (National Roundtable) is pleased to announce that in 2022 we have received Grant funding from Queensland Government Truth, Healing and Reconciliation Taskforce.

The Truth, Healing and Reconciliation Taskforce (the Taskforce) was established by the Queensland Government on 3 September 2018. The Taskforce provides for the views of those who have experienced institutional child abuse, support services and organisations in advice to the Queensland Government on implementing the reforms from the Royal Commission. The Taskforce also provides advice on grant programs for activities that contribute to truth, healing, and reconciliation histories.

The funding received by the Taskforce provided resources to support the coordination of the National Roundtable and the development of a website to host resources for people with lived experience, outline aged and community support and service providers and promote the need for better aged care for Forgotten Australians and Care Leavers.

Thank you to our key partners Micah Projects and Forde Foundation for their support of this important project.

© 2023 The National Aged and Community Care Roundtable for Forgotten Australians.

All rights reserved. Forgotten Australians were extensively consulted in the creation of this website.

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