As part of the 2024 International Care Experienced History Month, the National Aged and Community Care Roundtable for Forgotten Australians (National Roundtable) hosted the "Forging Better Options: An Exploration of Aged and Community Care Considerations for Forgotten Australians and other Care Leavers” Virtual National Forum.
The Virtual National Forum explored the aged and community care considerations for Forgotten Australians and other Care Leavers. The National Event aligned with the National Roundtable’s aim to improve access, quality, and appropriate aged and community care services for Forgotten Australians and other Care Leavers.
The event was a major success with an incredible turn-out! Attendees were able to view the event from home or attend a viewing hub at Lotus Place (QLD), Open Place (VIC), Wattle Place (NSW), or Tuart Place (WA).
Speakers included Forgotten Australians, Care Leavers and people with lived experience who shared their views on considerations for aged and community care in respect to the group.
We heard from leading-edge researchers who were able to provide insights into the current work being undertaken for building best practice models of care. We also heard from, service providers and Government officials on the current work being done to improve the quality of aged and community care for Care Leavers.
To watch the full event on YouTube, click on the button below.